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Business > Business Retirement Plans

Retirement plans are a basic part of employee retention plans
for many businesses.

More employees are now considering how to prepare themselves
for retirement without relying entirely on Social Security or employer-funded plans.

We are highly qualified to assist you in determining if a retirement plan makes sense for you and your employees.

Our financial, tax, accounting, legal, and insurance teams can
work with your business to implement and manage a retirement
plan that will provide the maximum benefits for you and your employees.

If your business already has a retirement plan funded by your employees, you should be aware
of the risks to business owners. The Department of Labor has recently promulgated new guidelines in the wake of highly-publicized pension abuses that makes owners and officers personally liable for asset performance of employee-funded retirement plans such as 401-k plans.

Simply hiring a brokerage firm or money-manager to manage the plan’s assets is not enough.
The manager must assume full fiduciary control of the plan’s assets.

This has caused massive confusion and problems for existing plans.

We have the ability to bring all plans into DOL compliance through our relationship with money management and pension team members.

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